Who is Karina Silva? Age, occupation, and bio of David Benavidez's wife

David Benavidez's wife, Karina Silva, is his partner in life but has found fame of her own.

'The Mexican Monster' is currently slated to return to the ring this Saturday night in Las Vegas. Fresh off a dominant decision win over Caleb Plant in May, he will return to face former champion Demetrius Andrade.

The bout is one of the last things standing between a potential bout between Benavidez and Canelo Alvarez. The two Mexican boxers have been linked to a fight for a while now but have been unable to reach terms on a deal. The hope is that with a win, Benavidez can finally get the fight he's long desired.

Regardless of how the boxer's fight with 'Boo Boo' goes, he can expect Karina Silva to be in attendance on Saturday. The woman who David Benavidez is married to often attends his bouts to support him. While he gets a lot of headlines, she's in the limelight often herself and attended various fights and open workouts.

Silva is reportedly 25 years old and works as a social media influencer with over 125,000 followers on Instagram. However, she also has a lot of work in the beauty field and even owns her own clothing companies dubbed 'Dress in Love' and 'NudeFajas'.

Is David Benavidez's wife Karina Silva a model?

David Benavidez's wife, Karina Silva, has done some modeling work in the past, which shouldn't be a shock.

The 25-year-old is beautiful but also has a noted interest in the beauty field. She owns two of her own clothing companies, both of which have thousands of followers on social media. While her husband is generating headlines in the ring, she's doing well outside of it.

In addition to her work starting a clothing company and working as a social media influencer, she also worked as a model. That can be seen on her Instagram, where she has worked with various brands such as Fashion Nova in the past.

That being said, Karina Silva seems to be far more focused on her own brands. On social media, she's shared the progress of her work over the last few years. At the same time, there are even physical locations of her Dress in Love store across America.

It seems like it's a good time to be in the Benavidez family.

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