What does the tattoo on Seth Rollins' back mean?

Seth Rollins is one of WWE's most stellar and consistent performers. He is a four-time world champion and is destined to one day become a WWE Hall of Famer. He has just about done it all in WWE and he continues to reinvent himself to remain at the top of his game.

The Architect is known for a small number of tattoos that he has. Tattoos generally express a person's beliefs, feelings and pleasures. They are permanent and remain penned on to the skin and can most of the time define a person's character.

So what does the tattoo on Seth Rollins' back mean?

Seth Rollins' back tattoo spells out the seven virtues of Bushido. Bushido is a samurai code of honor, discipline and morality which originated in Japan. The virtues in order on Rollin's back are: Integrity, Respect, Courage, Honor, Compassion, Honesty and Loyalty.

Seth Rollins appeared on WWE's Superstar Ink series to discuss the origins of his back tattoo:

"This was my first tattoo. It's the Bushido. It's the samurai code. It's the way they live their life. Ironically enough I found it in a movie, The Last Samurai, it was a dude trying to figure himself out and stuff like that and he found peace in the samurai. I thought it was a really cool message and it's kind of a cool simple way to live your life." Seth Rollins said. (h/t WWE YouTube)

The 2019 Men's Royal Rumble winner also has another a tattoo on his left wrist. The tattoo is of a burning page that reads "forever". Rollins got this inked when he was just 19, and it represents where he came from and the start of his journey to WWE.

When was Seth Rollins last world championship reign in WWE?

Seth Rollins last became a world champion in WWE when he won the Universal Championship in 2019. Rollins defeated Brock Lesnar in the main-event of SummerSlam in Toronto, winning the title for a second time.

The Drip God won the Universal Championship for the first time at WrestleMania earlier that year, also defeating Brock Lesnar.

Seth Rollins was the first wrestler ever to beat Brock Lesnar at WrestleMania and SummerSlam in the same year.

What do think of Seth Rollins' career in WWE and what the future holds for him. Share your thoughts in the comments section below.

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