Lucas Blanton Obituary, Funeral

Charles Blanton Death, Obituaries -We share the tragic news of our beloved buddy Lucas Blanton’s premature demise with sorrowful hearts. That he departed us so suddenly is hard to understand.

All those who knew and loved you, Lucas, will miss you terribly and feel your absence keenly.

Lucas had a contagious zeal for life and a contagious spirit. Every gathering he was in was made happier and funnier by his presence. The bonds we had will never be forgotten, and we will always treasure the memories we made together.

We take comfort in knowing that our dear friend is now in a better place as we say goodbye to him. May Lucas find endless joy and tranquilly in the golden streets.

read also:What Happened To Tarik Pierce? DC Comics Obituary and Death

Rest easy, dear friend, and know that you will always have a special place in our hearts until we meet again.

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