Justin Bieber Kicked Out of His Hotel in Argentina

Justin Bieber Tour- Auckland

It’s been a very interesting past couple of weeks for Justin Bieber. Actually, it’s been a very interesting entire teenage years for the trouble-making pop star. Earlier this week there were reports that Bieber did some bad stuff in Brazil. Matters were made worse when a Brazilian posted a video of Bieber sleeping quiet like a baby. Now, The Huffington Post is reporting that Bieber and his crew have been kicked out of their hotel in Argentina. However, before we start to slam the Biebs (which is quite easy) this one may have not been his fault….

TMZ first reported that Bieber was kicked out of his hotel in Buenos Aires, Argentina because his fans, who have been outside all week, were damaging hotel property. Photos have surfaced of unruly Beliebers tearing down barracades and getting rowdy outside the hotel. Most of the hotels in the area reportedly didn’t want to take the 19-year old pop star because they knew the zoo that would follow him.

[Click this link to see photos of the unruly fans]

The Biebs took to Twitter to calm his fans down, but the reports indicate that he is no longer staying at that hotel. Biebs has made this South America tour memorable as he’s been in the news almost daily for something – all of which hasn’t been positive.

Photo by Jason Oxenham/Getty Images
