How to make Harry Potters wand in Hogwarts Legacy easily

Harry Potter's wand is a highly sought-after item in Hogwarts Legacy. Sadly, it cannot be directly accessed or found. To obtain Harry's wand in-game, players must engage in the customization process and make one resembling his. One can select the various elements that go into a wand, such as its Core, Style, Type, Length, and Flexibility, as per one's preferences.

Gamers must carefully consider each element so that the wand they create fits their needs and playstyle. Since the Harry Potter wand is not available for purchase or discovery in the open world, it will be truly a special item to have.

Here's how you can have Harry Potter's wand in Hogwarts Legacy

To begin the process of creating Harry Potter's iconic wand in Hogwarts Legacy, you must first make your way to Ollivander's Wand Shop. Upon reaching the store, you will be treated to a cutscene, setting the stage for the task at hand - reforging your wand. As the conversation continues, the game will present you with a wand customization screen.

This is where you can let your creativity run wild, tailoring your wand exactly as you please. However, in order to create a replica of Harry Potter's famous wand, you must make a few specific choices during the customization process. Here are the options you need to select as you go through the categories.

  • Wand Style: Classic
  • Wood Type: Holly
  • Wand Length: 11 inches
  • Wand Flexibility: Supple
  • Wand Core: Phoenix Feather (This allows players to experiment with a wide range of spells)

If you select these customization options, you will end up with a replica of Harry Potter's wand, as described in the books and seen in the movies. The best part is that you do not have to restrict yourself to Harry's wand, as you can replicate the wands of other beloved characters from the series, like Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger, as well.

Players, thus, have a unique opportunity to personalize their gameplay experience by creating a wand that fits their individual playstyle and is a callback to their favorite character. The customization options in Hogwarts Legacy truly allow everyone to bring their unique vision of the wizarding world to life.

It is essential to note here that obtaining Harry Potter's wand, or any other character's wand for that matter, will not provide players with any additional benefits or advantages in the game. They are totally cosmetic and do not affect gameplay mechanics any differently than the rest.

Recreating a wand from the original series in-game adds a fun touch and can be an immersive element for Potterheads, but that's about it. Players will still need to use strategy, skill, and mastery of their spells to succeed in their journey through the world of Hogwarts Legacy.

Hogwarts Legacy is now live and has already amassed a huge fanbase. The game is available on PC via the Epic Games Store and Steam, as well as on Xbox One, PlayStation 4, Xbox Series X/S, PlayStation 5, and Nintendo Switch.

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