How much money did Asmongold approximately make in 2022?

Arguably the most influential English-speaking MMORPG streamer in the world, Zack "Asmongold" a.k.a. "ZackRawrr" is mainly known for his World of Warcraft-related content.

The co-owner and most famous member of OTK has been a staple feature on Twitch ever since 2013, and has become one of the most legendary names within the WoW community and gaming industry.

Zack had amassed an impressive tally of over 3.4 million followers and a peak of 38,429 active subscriptions on his main Twitch handle. However, he decided to stream on his alternate Twitch handle, zackrawrr, for a while to avoid the stress of streaming on his main.

Despite being an iconic Twitch streamer, the Best MMORPG Streamer of 2022 earns the majority of his estimated $2-$5 million net worth valuation via his earnings from YouTube.

Exploring Asmongold's income in 2022

Zack's Twitch earnings over the years

Asmongold era

Despite being on Twitch for a longer period of time and having more followers there in comparison to YouTube, Asmongold earns a considerable amount of his earnings via the latter.

He never made maximizing profits his sole goal when it came to streaming. However, a Twitch data leak in 2021 revealed that he featured among the 15 top streamers in terms of Twitch payouts.

The data leak brought to light the amount of money streamers were earning. Zack earned around $2,551,618.73 via subscriptions, donations, cheers, and advertisement revenue, excluding any other personal endorsement revenue between August 2019 and October 2021.

Asmongold's stats from 2022 (Image via Twitch Tracker)

Following his mother's untimely death in October 2021, he took a break from streaming and returned to Twitch in January 2022. However, he initially streamed on his zackrawrr channel and alternated between his main and his second, before ultimately stating it was stressful for him to stream on his primary.

During this past year, despite being active for only 148 days, Asmongold averaged about 71K viewers and a count of 96 hours streamed per month. Assuming he ran two $10 CPM ads per hour, his monthly ad revenue would be: 2 X 96 X 10 X 71 = $136,320 per month.

zackrawrr era

This was prior to Zack's decision to ultimately leave his main Twitch handle in favor of his unmonetized alternate zackrawrr handle, where he currently makes no money at all.

Analyzing Zack's YouTube income

If you consider the fact that Asmon has a cumulative count of five YouTube channels, it should not come as a surprise that the tricenarian makes enough money to treat streaming as his non-paying passion instead of a source of livelihood.

Among these five, his main, Asmongold TV, and his two sub-channels, Asmongold Gaming and Asmongold Clips, are the main sources of AdSense revenue. SocialBlade estimates that the streamer earns roughly anywhere between $322,600-$5,141,800 a year from these three channels alone.

Exploring Asmon's sponsorships, endorsements, and business endeavors

Most notably, Zack is a co-owner of One True King or OTK, a collaborative media house that features a number of popular North American streamers. OTK aside, he is also one of the co-owners of Starforge Systems, a custom PC-building company that falls under OTK's ownership.

Speaking of sponsorships, he currently endorses only NordVPN and Razer in his streams. Zack is otherwise sponsored by Mountain Dew GFuel and Chipotle, apart from all the other sponsors that are connected to OTK.

Zack continues to be one of the most popular streamers on Twitch and not just in the MMORPG community. With his impressive net worth and the status of being a multi-millionaire, he continues to rake in the big bucks despite his active decision to stream on a channel that hasn't been monetized.

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