5 WWE Superstars who are close friends with Hulk Hogan

Perhaps no WWE legend is more responsible for the global expansion of the promotion than The Immortal Hulk Hogan. As the man who symbolized the 1980's revolution and beyond, he is one of the most recognizable stars in the history of sports entertainment.

A WWE Superstar of the Hulkster's status is always going to attract an entourage. Over the course of his career, Hogan had several loyal friends who basically followed him anywhere he went. And while some of those may not be in the legend's inner circle anymore, they were still an integral part of his support system.

The Hall of Famer traveled the world with some of the biggest names in professional wrestling over the course of four decades. Here are five WWE Superstars who became close friends with Hulk Hogan.

#5 - Brian Knobbs

The Nasty Boy has been one of Hogan's oddest choices as a close friend, as it seems like the two would have almost nothing in common.

Hogan spent a career as a guy who lived in the gym. Knobbs, on the other hand, might know a couple of guys named "Jim".

However, Brian Knobbs' effusive personality and over-the-top sense of humor have made him popular among many of his peers, including the Hulkster. Add in the fact that he's a notoriously wild partier, and it's easy to see why Knobbs is a fun guy to hang around with.

#4 - Hacksaw Jim Duggan

Duggan followed many of the same principles as Hogan in his television role: The All-American patriot who never backed down from a fight. With his trusty 2X4, he fought many of the same foes as his buddy, like Nikolai Volkoff, The Iron Sheik and other dastardly heels.

Behind the scenes, Duggan has been described as having a laid-back attitude and tons of loyalty to his friends. When you are a star of The Immortal One's status, that kind of loyalty counts.

In return, Hogan made sure Duggan had a job in WCW when they both moved on from the World Wrestling Federation. The two remain friends to this day.

#3 - Brutus Beefcake was friends with Hulk Hogan in WWE, but not as much these days

Hogan and Beefcake were nearly inseparable for several years. The two began their careers portraying a brother tandem. But that didn't last long, brother.

Hogan went on to fly solo, becoming a hero in the AWA and star in Rocky III with Sylvester Stallone. When The Hulkster signed with Vince McMahon and shot to fame, he made sure to bring his longtime buddy along for the ride.

Over the next 20+ years, the friends stayed close, and they even headlined WCW Starrcade 1994 together.

However, in recent years the two have drifted apart due to some of Beefcake's personal issues, as well as allegations that he was selling fake Hulk Hogan autographs at wrestling events.

#2 - Jimmy Hart

The Mouth of the South may be the best hype man ever in WWE and certainly one of its greatest managers. With his trusty megaphone, he was both a nemesis and ally to The Hulkster.

The two have an incredible bond, with Hart staying loyal to the 12-time world champion all these years later. In many of Hogan's or Hart's projects - like the short-lived XWF promotion - the other seemed to be involved.

In recent years, the former Gentrys singer has managed Jimmy Hart's Hall of Fame Bar and Tiki Deck, and of course, stayed as close as possible to his longtime amigo.

#1 - Eric Bischoff signed Hogan to WCW in 1994, and the two remain very close friends

When Eric Bischoff brought Hulk Hogan into the fold, the entire atmosphere of professional wrestling would change forever. It immediately put WCW on the level of WWE, who were treading water at the time.

And just a couple of years later, they would set the world on fire by launching the New World Order.

The fast friends worked together from then onward, through stints in TNA and also in other entertainment ventures.

It was also well-documented that when Hulk was at his lowest point, Bischoff took control of much of his friend's financial and business affairs. It was a dark time, but one WWE Hall of Famer showed his loyalty by helping out another. Perhaps that's why they continue their professional AND personal relationship.

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