100+ common pet peeves list: things most people find annoying

Everyone has their pet peeves, those little things that make you go nuts, whether when you are at the grocery store, when someone smacks their gum, or when people get off the elevator slowly. These behaviours are annoying and sometimes embarrassing. You should have a pet peeves list of the things most people find annoying.

Pet peeves are annoying habits that most people tend to have. You may not have thought about it, but be assured you have at least one pet peeve. A list of pet peeves examples may help you identify the things that make people around you annoyed.

Common pet peeves list

Everyone has favourite things and habits, but what bugs the people around you? Of course, everybody has their very own list of things they hate, but there are some pet peeves that almost everyone will common.

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  • Trying to find things in someone else's kitchen.
  • Spitting on a sidewalk, in a park or anywhere in public.
  • Lending something to someone and never getting it back.
  • When people are late or make you run late because you are waiting for them.
  • People who don't wash their hands after coughing into them.
  • When someone says "no offense but" right before saying something hurtful, as if that makes it better.
  • Leaving empty containers in the fridge.
  • Guys who bring their guitar to a party.
  • Driving too close to the car in front.
  • People who scuff their feet as they walk down the street.
  • Personal grooming in a public place.
  • People who purposely ignore boundaries.
  • When people judge you at the gym.
  • When your food blows up a little bit in the microwave.
  • When someone pushes their overflowing grocery cart into the express line.
  • Large groups take up the whole sidewalk and never move over for passersby.
  • People who always seem to insist on criticizing the things you like.
  • Going to get something but then forgetting what you needed.
  • People who chew gum loudly and attempt to blow bubbles in confined quarters.
  • The customer that takes five years to find exact change.

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Relationship pet peeves

When you are in a relationship, it is easy to get into a routine. You know you shouldn't be mad at your partner, but they repeatedly do it. No matter your reaction or what you do or say, they never stop doing it! Here are some common relationship pet peeves you can relate to.

  • Behaving childishly in front of family.
  • Using your phone all the time.
  • Trying to change your partner.
  • Constantly comparing your relationship to others.
  • Keeping messages and calls hanging.
  • Sharing your relationship problems on social media.
  • Rubbing your partner's failures in their faces.
  • Revealing too much information to others.
  • Not making enough effort to communicate.
  • Continually seeking validation.
  • Saying you are fine or you are okay when you are not.
  • Being late all the time.
  • Always letting one person pay.
  • Monitoring your partner's phone.
  • Refusing to help out with chores.
  • Staying too friendly with exes.
  • Resorting to the silent treatment.
  • Not being considerate about the small things.
  • Delivery food that spills in the bag.
  • Ignore the safety announcements.

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Common examples of pet peeves

Everyone has their pet peeves. Even though you can try to understand your partner or friend, a few are universal. Here are a few examples of common pet peeves to avoid.

  • When people sneeze or cough without covering their mouths with their elbows.
  • Not letting the person behind you in line go ahead of you when you have way more items than them.
  • People smoking cigarettes around non-smokers.
  • Unsolicited advice and recommendations.
  • The aggressive interrupters.
  • Splitting the bill evenly at a restaurant.
  • Staring at other people's phones.
  • Strangers calling you names like darling, honey.
  • Using your phone while talking to someone.
  • Not muting your background noise during meetings.
  • Wearing too much perfume or cologne.
  • Walking slowly on a busy sidewalk.
  • Putting your bag down on a seat.
  • People who don't know their order when they get to the front of the line.
  • Heating up smelly food in a working kitchen.
  • Those people who push the button again even though it's already been pushed, especially in a lift.
  • When you post a funny tweet and like three people, unfollow you.
  • When you hold the door open for someone, and they don't say thank you.
  • When people let their children misbehave in restaurants.
  • When people start boarding the train before everyone has gotten off.

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Extremely annoying pet peeves

What are some of the pet peeves people hate the most? It is always crucial to note that no one is perfect. Everyone has personality traits that they like to consider as strengths (or at least tolerable). But what happens when those little annoyances become deal breakers? Here are pet peeve examples that are so annoying.

  • When someone eats off of your plate without asking.
  • Strands of hair in the sink.
  • Leaving the toilet seat up.
  • Ordering something online and it is damaged
  • Not standing to one side on an escalator
  • Mums on Facebook who constantly upload pictures of their kids.
  • Mumbling in a conversation.
  • Making yourself too comfortable in someone else's home.
  • When your group is being too loud in a public space.
  • People asking questions when your programme is on.
  • Not returning your shopping cart.
  • Sudden stops in pedestrian traffic.
  • Losing pieces to a board game.
  • Not responding to a text on time.
  • People who step closer to you when you step away from them.
  • Drivers who overtake you on the road and then slow down once they're in front of you.
  • People that pee on the seat and don't wipe off the seat.
  • Those people that post everything they do on social media.
  • Finishing a food item and putting the container back in the fridge.
  • Putting something back on the wrong shelf at the grocery store.

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Top 10 pet peeves that are hard to pinpoint

What are the top 10 pet peeves that everyone dislikes? Everyone has pet peeves, and it is good to know that you are not alone. Sometimes it is hard to pinpoint what makes us tick because it is natural. However, they aren't always that obvious when viewed from a different angle. So here is the pet peeve list of people's actions that drive everyone mad.

  • People who laugh out at text messages loudly.
  • Delivery food spilling into the package.
  • Asking a lot of questions during a movie.
  • Taking a phone call at the gym.
  • The sound of chalk writing on a chalkboard.
  • People who burp in public without covering their mouths.
  • Ads that can't be skipped.
  • When your friend shows up late without a valid excuse.
  • Pronouncing names wrong or spelling them wrong.
  • Parties that are just requests for presents.

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Irritating girls' pet peeves

What are some girls' pet peeves that irritate you the most? Some insignificant habits may annoy you as much as they bother you. These are the most common ones for ladies.

  • Having a crush on every cute guy you meet.
  • Running into conclusions about things.
  • Getting angry over small issues.
  • Being extremely jealous for nothing.
  • Gossiping others and hating on them.
  • Not cleaning up after s*x.
  • Walking away during a fight.
  • Not allowing your boyfriend to have his space.
  • Thinking you are more beautiful than others.
  • Failing to communicate when you have a problem.
  • Singing along to a song you don't know the lyrics to.
  • Chewing food loudly.
  • Talking too much all the time.
  • Failing to do chores.
  • Having poor hygiene.
  • Backhanded compliments.
  • Redundant hashtagging.
  • Not washing hands after using the bathroom.
  • Unsolicited recommendations.
  • Overposting things on social media.

You are aware of what irritates you. You also understand that perhaps the things that annoy you are somehow unchangeable. However, speaking about them may help you to avoid them. Share the pet peeves list above with others to see their reactions.

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READ ALSO: 100+ dope birthday wishes for a best friend that they will appreciate

Legit.ng also shared an article with 100+ dope birthday wishes for a best friend that they appreciate. It is up to you to make your special friends' birthdays memorable. Just buy them a gift or throw them a nice party.

Apart from throwing them a big party, you can also send them dope birthday wishes. It even gets better when you buy them personalized birthday gifts with lovely notes on them. Such gifts are always special because they will hardly forget them.

Source: Legit.ng
